About Us

The company's mission

DarPinLes company helps nature to convey to people all the benefits and taste of wild berries, mushrooms and other useful gifts of nature, carefully preserving their value and uniqueness.

DarPinLes is one of the largest producers and suppliers of wild berries and mushrooms in the Belarusian and Russian markets with more than 10 years of experience.

Own procurement network in the Brest and Minsk regions of the Republic of Belarus

There are processing complexes in the Republic of Belarus vil. Lahva and in Russia Ustyuzhna, Vologda region

Warehouse refrigeration units with a capacity of up to 5000 tons in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ustyuzhna Vologda region and the Republic of Belarus, vil. Lahva



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40 tons per day

The capacities of the DarPinLes complex allow processing more than 2.5 tons of raw materials per hour for the first grade

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Shocked freezing at -40С

The shock freezing tunnel maintains a temperature of about -40С

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In winter and summer -5

All production operations at DarPinLes are conducted at an air temperature not exceeding - 5С

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Technologies used by DarPinLes

Harvesting of the raw materials

DarPinLes operates in environmentally friendly areas specifically in Lahva village in the Republic of Belarus and Ustyuzhna village in the Vologda region of Russia. These locations serve as the primary work sites for harvesting wild berries and mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms and berries get to the processing complex within 2 days at most after collection and, after inspection by DarPinLes Quality Service, they are promptly cleaned of forest debris and processed further.


Shocked freezing


The processing complex is equipped with shock freezing equipment using IQF technology (Individual Quick Freezing) in the Frigoscandia fast-freezing tunnel (-35-40° С) (Sweden).

Cleaning and sorting

Darpinless carries out careful and high-quality multi-stage processing of raw materials: cleaning of forest debris, calibration of berries by size, separating stalks and perianths using modern equipment. Electronic sorting is also carried out on modern equipment.
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The DarPinLes Company has the ability to pack products according to the customer's needs in:

flow pack from 250g to 3 kg.

corrugated box with a polyethylene liner from 3 to 10 kg.

three-layer kraft bag with internal laminated impregnation and a polyethylene liner from 15 to 25 kg


DarPinLes company has its own refrigeration facilities (up to 5 thousand tons of products at a time).




DarPinLes has its own addressable logistics system with a temperature regime of -18°С. We deliver on the territory of Russia, CIS, Europe, China.



